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artist book

Language: English

edition taberna kritika



UO cover

Alessandro De Francesco

Unstable Orbits

Image schemes and poems

curatorbooks 014, www.ccccc.ch/

edition taberna kritika, March 2025, ISBN: 978-3-03947-014-3

20,00 € / 20,00 CHF, 118 pages, colours – 19 x 19 cm

"Orbits are everywhere: in the universe, behind your eyes. Moons orbit around planets, planets orbit around stars, stars orbit around black holes at the centre of their galaxies, galaxies orbit around larger clusters of gravity... If you could be in the position of observing the universe beyond your lifetime, you would see that every orbit is unstable. Not only the ones that behave erratically here and now, but even the most apparently reliable ones. Every gravitational relation will come to an end. Bodies will end up floating in space, or crashing into each other. Every orbit implies some influence among bodies that are close enough to exert it and to feel it, but because of that same influence bodies move and change their position all the time. In all this wonderful instability, somewhere, here or far away, there is life, itself fragile and unstable, in its evolution, in its manifestations; and there are feelings and thoughts, so important to those who experience them and yet so ephemeral. A dense almost-nothing, like human history, with all its pain, its little successes, its repetitions; like animal life, with all its desires and needs, including ours. All this is happening in the void, because the void is the majority of what there is. We are just spaces and bodies in-between, yet we fill this void with our presence, and since matter is always the same, composed as it is by the same substance, we never really cease to exist. Even more than that: we are part of all there is, we belong to being. This book tries to approach a small portion of all this, a little part of everything: a thought or feeling left unsaid, a place in the sky that is still unknown, some relations among things, like planets orbiting around each other, like you and me. To do so, it relies upon interactions between two processes that are themselves unstable and fragile: impossible and inexistent schemes inspired by theoretical physics and complex systems, and a few lines of poetry."



Language: English, French, Italian

punctum books


Continuum 2

Alessandro De Francesco, Continuum 2. Writings / Scritti / Écrits 2015-2022, punctum books / Uitgeverij, 2024, 336 pages, $ 26. Click HERE for more information.

This volume gathers Alessandro De Francesco’s essays and theoretical writings produced from 2015 to 2022. It follows the first volume Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice, reuniting essays written between 2007 and 2015.

The title of this new volume could only be Continuum 2, given that the underlying concept remains the same: to testify to the seamless continuity of the author’s commitment to poetry and art over the years, and to reaffirm at the same time, on a theoretical level, a model of creation and thinking as a continuous flow, not discretized, not quantized, but organic, liquid, without end or beginning; a kind of linguistic translation of the space-time in which every text, like every other object, is necessarily immersed.

Continuum 2 is a trilingual book, containing writings in English, French, and Italian, and it is particularly focused on two lines of inquiry: the author’s ongoing meditation on the poetic practice, and the first steps of his new investigation into seventeenth-century art, poetry, and forms of thought.

Margaret de Asbaje


Edited by Alessandro De Francesco.

Language: French





Margaret de Asbaje, Court traité-poème de métaphysique moniste, MIX, 2023, 136 pages, 14 €.

Informations et achat ICI.

Un manuscrit mystérieux (« retrouvé », édité et présenté par Alessandro De Francesco), dont la prose, oscillant entre poésie, philosophie et art conceptuel, interroge l'infinité du cosmos et de l'être. Un flux de conscience et de pensée qui se transforme en prose poétique et en réflexion philosophique, sans solution de continuité entre les deux. Une auteure évanescente, immergée dans le contemporain avec des outils conceptuels et un style d'écriture qui rappellent les traités de métaphysique du XXVIIe siècle. Court traité-poème de métaphysique moniste est un texte hybride, complexe, fuyant et en même temps immédiat, lyrique, passionné, explorant courageusement et ingénument les grandes questions irrésolues de l'humanité et de la nature.


poetry and conceptual writing

Language: Italian

Arcipelago Itaca



Alessandro De Francesco, e agglomerati, degli alberi o, Arcipelago Itaca, 2023

96 pp., 15 €



edited by Chus Martinez


Language: English

Berlin: Hatje Cantz / Basel Academy of Art & Design


Like This cover

Like This. Natural Intelligence as Seen by Art. Specially Commissioned Works for der Tank, 2016-2021, curated by Chus Martinez, Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag and Basel: Academy of Art & Design, 2022.

From the publisher's description: "LIKE THIS. Natural Intelligence As Seen by Art brings together a series of specific commissions by ten internationally renowned artists for der TANK, the exhibition space of the Institute Art Gender Nature at the heart of the FHNW Academy of Art and Design’s campus in Basel. Curated by Chus Martínez and supported by [N.A!] Project, the artistic projects conceived between 2016 and 2021 by Mathilde Rosier, Julieta Aranda, Cecilia Bengolea, Eduardo Navarro, Ingela Ihrman, Teresa Solar, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Raffaela Naldi Rossano, Alessandro De Francesco, and Gil Pellaton all share a common denominator: their interest in exploring the multilayered dimensions of our relationship with nature, and the slow but continuous change of the art system’s perception and engagement with the natural world."


With Marco Mazzi

Essay / Artist book, 17 x 2.5 x 24 cm

Language: English and Italian

Pistoia: Gli Ori


Mental Dough

Alessandro De Francesco & Marco Mazzi, Mental Dough. A Dialogue on Poetry and Artistic Practice, Pistoia: Gli Ori, 2022, 240 pp., € 22.

Click HERE for more information and to buy the book.

Alessandro De Francesco and Marco Mazzi discuss their respective practices exploring the multiple connections between them and the multiple interactions between text and image.



poetry and conceptual writing, artist book, 16 x 1 x 21 cm

Language: English, Italian

Milan: Mousse Publishing



Alessandro De Francesco, And agglomerations, of trees or / E agglomerati, degli alberi o, Milan: Mousse, 2022, 160 pp., € 18.

Click HERE for more information and pictures and to buy the book.

Click HERE to listen to some excerpts.

Alessandro De Francesco has been blurring the boundaries between poetry and artistic practice for over fifteen years. In his radical and increasingly influential work, the bare text, often in multiple languages, becomes an environment, a living organism, a set of relations, and a junction in spacetime where things appear. With conceptual complexity and emotional intensity, his dense writing explores in unexpected ways the relations between history and nature, thought and meaning, (mental) images and feelings, language and space. While his internationally exhibited projects span digital voice processing, virtual reality, printmaking, archive research, and community-oriented actions, the book and the text—like here with And Agglomerations, of Trees or E agglomerati, degli alberi o—are where the poet/artist’s work manifests itself in its deepest essence. With this dual- language book, masterfully produced by Marco Mazzi, finely translated from the Italian by Max Norman, and featuring a foreword by the leading literary theorist and political activist Judith Balso, Alessandro De Francesco takes poetry and contemporary art, to paraphrase Marcel Broodthaers, “hand in hand” towards new territories.






poetry and conceptual writing, artist book, 13.34 x 2.08 x 20.32 cm   

Language: English, Italian, French

Uitgeverij / punctum books




Alessandro De Francesco, (((, Uitgeverij / punctum books, 2021, 320 pages, 23 $. 

All information HERE.  

((( is conceived of not only as a poetry collection and an artist book, but also as a series of actions, a sculpture, an installation, a living object, and a verbal ecosystem. The poetic voyage of (((, recounted in a concrete yet mysterious, abstract yet bodily language, is proposed here in a trilingual English–Italian–French edition. In the spirit of Uitgeverij’s editorial approach, this will allow readers from different parts of the world to discover in their own ways how ((( explores some of the author’s recurring themes through highly innovative poetic and narrative processes: the effects of war on children; technology and surveillance systems; immaterial and unknown phenomena; human emotions and non-human manifestations of nature via undefined objects and bodies, animals, and cosmological landscapes. The three parentheses of the title hint at multiple layers that are opened and never closed: ((( seeks to push language out of its verbal and human boundaries, towards unobservable territories. The genre of this book, although stemming from poetry in the sense of Dichtung, that is, concentration of meaning in highly dense verbal structures, is eminently queer, as it escapes identities and definitions. Through its multidimensional, intense, and surprising writing architecture, ((( explores new conceptual and emotional possibilities in the 21st century, confirming poetry and post-genre writing as powerful forms of inquiry in the contemporary era. 

Check out Alessandro De Francesco’s online exhibition curated by Chus Martinez featuring 21 poems from (((. 







essay (literary theory, poetics, political theory, rhetoric, semiotics, aesthetics)

Language: French

éditions MIX / Les Presses du réel 



Funded by a writing grant of the French National Book Centre

Soutenu par le Centre national du livre



Alessandro De Francesco, Pour une théorie non-dualiste de la poésie (1960-1989), éditions MIX / Les Presses du réel, 2021, 446 pages, 25 €.

Informations et achat ICI.

Cet essai présente l'un des parcours possibles d'analyse comparée sur la création poétique de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle, en tâchant, sous l'égide de la notion de non-dualisme, de parvenir à la formulation de concepts et de notions qui puissent contribuer à redéfinir le fonctionnement de la poésie des années 1960-80 mais aussi, en perspective, de l'extrême contemporain. Cet ouvrage offre donc une proposition alternative de théorie de la poésie moderne, et il est par conséquent en dialogue critique avec d'autres approches de ce genre, notamment celles de Jean-Marie Gleize, de Michael Hamburger et d'Henri Meschonnic. Pour une théorie non-dualiste de la poésie est autant un essai de poétique que de théorie politique et d'ontologie, ces trois niveaux étant indissolubles dans l’approche de la poésie qu’il propose. 



poetry and conceptual writing

Language: Italian

Arcipelago Itaca




Alessandro De Francesco, (((, Arcipelago Itaca, 2020

108 pp., 13,50 €




Brunella Antomarini, Adam Berg, Vladimir D'Amora, Alessandro De Francesco, Miltos Manetas

essay (philosophy, aesthetics, epistemology)

Language: English and Italian

Punctum Books


Hephaestus Reloaded / Efesto Reloaded, presented in a bilingual (English/Italian) publication, and whose five authors are from Greece, Italy, and the US, invokes as its first inspiration the myth of Hephaestus who embodied a twofold entity: both disabled and technically capacious. The myth of Hephaestus has been passed across the centuries as an ancient metaphor signifying the idea of becoming-world, in which any distinction between the natural and the artificial, or the organic and the technical, is blurred. Human beings, by virtue of their physical vulnerabilities and limits, have enhanced their technological powers to the point of transcending their own given nature. At present, a variety of critical discourses in disciplines such as philosophy, history, aesthetics, and cognitive sciences pay attention to our becoming-hybrid (organic and mechanical beings) – unleashing a space for research that probes the concept of transcendence. Each of the contributions in this book addresses – through its own peculiar perspective, method and experimental style – a new way to approach the role of transcendence in socio-cultural life.

In the Occidental history of ideas, the notion of transcendence has received at least three canonical articulations that are challenged by this book: religious (Judeo-Christian traditions), philosophical (Platonic-intellectual universality of ideas), and scientific (the objective and technological turn of knowledge). Nonetheless, it is with the rise of cybernetics, with its digital and virtual modalities of systems, networks, and knowledge, that our human environment emerges as a source of knowledge in itself — not simply as an object but rather as an immersive agency in which nature, knowledge, technique merge. The transcendence of the actual and the virtual into a “third” element is construed and analyzed in this book through conceptual schemes that rely on a post-binary or non-binary understanding of coincidences, triangulations, hybrids, or post-human combinatorics. What is ultimately explored is how transcendence is ejected from strictly theological, philosophical, or scientific groundings and emerges as a germinating point of becoming (something else).

Hephaestus Reloaded. Composition for Ten Hands (B. Antomarini, A. Berg, V. D'Amora, A. De Francesco, M. Manetas), Punctum Books. More info and buy HERE.



poetry and conceptual writing

Language: Italian

Arcipelago Itaca



Alessandro De Francesco, La visione a distanza, Arcipelago Itaca, 2018
196 pp., 16 €

La visione a distanza contiene buona parte della produzione poetica di Alessandro De Francesco fino ad oggi. È tuttavia da intendersi come libro unico e non come raccolta, dato che le sezioni che lo costituiscono sono strettamente interconnesse, anche quelle scritte a distanza di più anni. Alcune sezioni sono inedite in Italia o inedite tout court, altre sono state precedentemente pubblicate in libri e riviste. La visione a distanza, uscito presso Arcipelago Itaca nella collana "Lacustrine" diretta da Renata Morresi, è il primo libro italiano di Alessandro De Francesco dalla pubblicazione di Ridefinizione (La Camera Verde, 2011).




artist booklet

The Block Museum, Evanston, Illinois 


curated by Danny Snelson and Mashinka Firunts for the "Present Tense Pamphlets" Series (more information about the project HERE)


Download the booklet  for free HERE 





artist book, 25.3 x 30 cm, 120 p.

Language: French, English, Italian, German

éditions MIX., Paris & Le Fonds Belval, Luxembourg


Photo © Michael Pinsky


With texts by Stéphanie Delcroix and Hubertus von Amelunxen

Download the introduction in English HERE

Télécharger ICI l'introduction en français

Order HERE



poetry and conceptual writing

Language: English and Italian

Punctum Books

New York


Alessandro De Francesco, Remote Vision. Poetry 1999-2015

Translated into English by Belle Cushing and Dusty Neu.

Typography by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei.

Dual-Language English-Italian edition, 342 pages, 22 x 22 cm.

New York: Punctum Books, 2016


REMOTE VISION represents, in English and Italian, the most significant works in poetry and conceptual writing produced by Alessandro De Francesco to date. It is both a coherent book and the most exhaustive collection of his poetry ever published in any language. All sections have been rearranged for this publication, with each one containing the complete English text followed by the complete Italian version. The texts have been beautifully translated by poets and Brown University alumni Belle Cushing and Dusty Neu, under the coordination of the acclaimed poet and Comparative Literature scholar Forrest Gander. REMOTE VISION condenses and presents under a new light the conceptual and emotional intensity of Alessandro De Francesco’s poetry.

Buy it HERE



poetry and conceptual writing

Language: French

éditions MIX.



La Vision à distance est le deuxième livre de poésie publié par Alessandro De Francesco aux éditions MIX., après Redéfinition (2010). La Vision à distance continue à explorer et à faire interagir de façon nouvelle les questions qui hantent la production de ce poète-artiste : l'inconnu et l'inconnaissable, la violence et la guerre, la technologie et l'information, la phylogenèse et l'ontogenèse des êtres. Il contient cependant des textes appartenant à des époques différentes, dont certains, comme Le Déplacement des objets, écrits avant Redéfinition mais présentés ici pour la première fois en traduction française.

Alessandro De Francesco - La Vision à distance

Traduit de l'italien en français par Alessandro De Francesco, Fabien Vallos et Caroline Zekri, avec la collaboration d'Emilio Sciarrino

Soutenu par une Bourse de création du Centre national du livre (www.centrenationaldulivre.fr)
Paris, éditions MIX., 2016

136 pages, format carré 17 x 17 cm
20 €

Pour le commander, cliquer ICI




Language: French, Italian, English, German


Tirana / The Hague



This book reunites the most part of the essays and articles produced between 2007 and 2015 by poet and artist Alessandro De Francesco. It shows what De Francesco himself affirms at a point in the last text of the book: that an artist can also be a theorist, and that artistic practice and theoretical practice are difficult to distinguish in his work. This book is multilingual: each text was left in the language in which it was written. Therefore, it is predominantly in French, but Italian, English and German are also represented. In spite of poetry being at the center of Alessandro De Francesco’s interests as a thinker, the texts contained in this book are very heterogeneous: poetic statements, essays, scientific articles, lectures, interviews; and yet they also show a deep continuity. Continuum stands for the author’s uninterrupted commitment for poetry, for the numerous connections among the approached themes, and especially for the innovatory theoretical and political positions expressed here, from which all these writings originated.

Alessandro De Francesco, Continuum. Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice / Écrits sur la poésie comme pratique artistique / Scritti sulla poesia come pratica artistica, The Hague: Uitgeverij / Punctum Books, 2015, 564 p., 18 €. Get more information and buy it HERE.



artist book, 35 x 45 cm, unp.

Language: multilingual

La Camera Verde



Photos © Benjamin Hugard

With texts by: Judith Balso, Robert Cahen, Giulio Carmassi, Belle Cushing, Jean Daive, Jeremy Fernando, Jean-Marie Gleize, Alfonso M. Iacono, Paolo Ingrosso, Massimiliano Manganelli, Giulio Marzaioli, Marco Mazzi, Nina Parish, Fabien Vallos, Vincent W. J. van Gerven Oei, Sandrine Wymann, Caroline Zekri.




poetry and conceptual writing

Language: Italian

48 p.

La Camera Verde



Ordina QUI



poetry and conceptual writing

Language: French

80 p.




Pour le commander, cliquer ICI


da 1000m - dès 1000m - from 1000m

conceptual writing

Trilingual e-book: italian, english, french, HGH, on www.gammm.org (march 2009)

Download HERE





Language: Italian

60 p.

Cierre Grafica / Anterem



Nota di Flavio Ermini

Riflessione critica di Martin Rueff

Collana «Opera Prima» diretta da Flavio Ermini, con la collaborazione di Yves Bonnefoy, Umberto Galimberti e Andrea Zanzotto





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