


Il Grande canto sciamanico, sound installation with digitally processed spoken voice for the exhibition "Expanded Poetry, Agglomerated Poetry" at Dreiviertel art space, Bern (CH), 2024. Click HERE to listen.

Four readings from the poetry/artist book And agglomerations, of trees or, Milan: Mousse Publishing, 2022. Languages: English and Italian.

Traduire, s'autotraduire, écrire at the Maison Rousseau et Littérature, Geneva, 04.10.2022, with Alessandro De Francesco, Heike Fiedler, Rebecca Gisler, and Lou Lepori. Listen HERE to the recording.

Interview with Lou Lepori for the radio programme "Alphaville", Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana, 2022 (language: Italian). Click HERE to listen (from minute 16'49").

Reading by Alessandro De Francesco with translators Dusty Neu and Belle Cushing at Brown University's Contemporary Writers Series, RI, USA, 17.02.2016, in the occasion of the publication of Remote Vision. Click HERE to listen.

Interview with Gianluca Garrapa about the book ((( (Arcipelago Itaca, 2020, for Puntoradio Cascina, Italy, 25.07.2020 (language: Italian). Click HERE to listen.

Talk by Delphine Chapuis-Schmitz and Alessandro De Francesco at "I Never Read", Art Basel Book Fair 2019. Click HERE to listen to the podcast.

One Poetic Engine: Dolomites

Reading environment - sound installation in the framework of Alessandro De Francesco's interventions for the Biennale Gherdeina, Italy, 2018.

Click HERE for description, pictures and audio sample.

Three Poetic Engines

Reading environment - sound installation, Belval, Luxembourg, 2016.

Click HERE for pictures, description and audio sample.

Corps étranger en mouvement ascensionnel

Reading environment - performance: Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris; Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art; Babycastles Gallery, New York, 2014-2016.

Click HERE for pictures, description and audio samples

Ridefinizione - reading environment

click HERE to play audio samples

The complete HD version is entirely downloadable on the iTunes store (Miraloop records)

Lavoro di emersione - reading environment

click HERE to play audio sample

Click HERE to play the audio samples of the reading environment sosta#1 (Universität der Künste, Berlin, 2006)

Click HERE to play the audio samples of the reading environment sosta#3(Denkmalschmiede Höfgen, Germany, 2006)

Click HERE to play the audio samples of the reading environment cercavo fantasie e trovavo solo sassi... (Private Flat Contemporary Art festival, 2009)