A reading environment is a reading where the text is processed through spoken voice digital treatments and multi-channel spatialization. This reading environment has been realized in February 2005 at the Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin. This is a clip of the original making of. Camera and editing by Manuel Billi and Alessandro Brucini, original soundtrack by Alessandro De Francesco, music on end titles from Ulan Bator's album Végétale).
Location: Blauer Salon, Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin
Alessandro De Francesco: project, texts, voice, voice design, morphing, treatments, installation. Manuel Billi: video Alessandro Brucini: video Adam Core: graphics Giovanni Moretti: computer supervision Antonio Pisanò: graphics Milos Vujkovic: installation
Languages: Italian and German (translations by Alessandro De Francesco, Klaus-Peter Arnold and Angela Sanmann) Production: Alessandro De Francesco and Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin