



And Agglomerations, of trees or (spoken choir at Paint it Black, Turin)

2024 (link to Instagram post)




Poetry environments in Virtual Reality

Ongoing (light PDF documentation)




Interventions for the Biennale Gherdeina VI

2018 (light PDF documentation)




Three Poetic Engines - Trois engins poétiques

Belval, Luxembourg, 2016




Remote Vision - a collective reading environment

Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland, 2016




Remote Vision - a collective reading environment

Brussels Museum of Art & Design (ADAM), Belgium, 2016




Corps étranger en mouvement ascensionnel

Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris and MAMCS, Strasbourg, 2014-2015





STEIM, Amsterdam, 2009




sosta#1 and #3

Berlin University of the Arts and Denkmalschmiede Höfgen, Germany, 2006


Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin, 2004

To view documentation about other Reading Environments, please visit the audio and video sections.